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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm takin' a blogging break (In case you didn't notice)

I am sure you have noticed my absence (you have right?!) and I know I am a total shit for not updating sooner....but I have decided to take a little blogging break.  I wrestled with whether or not to do it for months and ultimately decided on taking a little break from blogging.

On top of being kind of burnt out & both me and my helper Meg having crazy busy real lives, I am pregnant!!! I am due Jan. 24th and am trying to get ready for that and manage my 2 kids and my needless to say, I need a little time off.

I am not exactly sure when I will be back to blogging, but I hope I don't lose all my lovely readers and awesome Twi-friends in the meantime!!!! (PLEASE COME BACK TO ME)

So in the mean time....I have a peace offering:

I like to think this is my doorway he is standing in!! ;)

See more yummy pics over @ ROBsessed

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