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Monday, November 29, 2010

Official 'Breaking Dawn' Logo!

Here is the Official Breaking Dawn Logo! If you remember, each logo has been a different color & has sparked a lot of discussion on the meaning.  I was going to discuss, but I think Lorabell @ TwiCrackAddict has some very good insight:

"The navigation bar along the top of the site shows the previously released Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse logos - it appears that Breaking Dawn is in an almost white.

The blue Twilight represented the ethereal coldness of being introduced to the world of vampires, the orange New Moon contrasted with the natural warmth of the Wolves, as the gray and red of Eclipse clashes the two as fire and ice.

Will this (apparent) Breaking Dawn logo serve Part 1 as the white of the wedding then Isle Esme's dazzling sun and sand, before Bella's gaunt and pale pregnancy; and then Part 2 as the brilliant light dawning over the horizon over the white snow?"

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