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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

NEW Eclipse Still of Edward & Bella!

“Next month, the Los Ange­les Film Fes­ti­val will likely wel­come a new con­tin­gent: throngs of scream­ing girls. The annual event, which announced its lineup on Tues­day, will fea­ture the world-premiere screen­ing of “The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse,” the long-awaited third install­ment in the pop­u­lar vam­pire fran­chise. It’s not exactly typ­i­cal film fes­ti­val fare, but orga­niz­ers are hop­ing it will serve a larger pur­pose. “If we pro­gram a movie like ‘Twi­light’ that draws audi­ences that might not oth­er­wise attend film fes­ti­vals, hope­fully we’ll expose them to other cin­e­matic expe­ri­ences that we think are inspir­ing,” said fes­ti­val direc­tor Rebecca Yeld­ham. Still, fans eager to see “Eclipse” before it hits the­aters in July will have to pay for the priv­i­lege. Only those fes­ti­val­go­ers who pur­chase one of the festival’s top-level passes — which range in cost from $500 to $1,000 — will get inside the Nokia The­atre on June 24.”

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Source: Los Ange­les Time via Thinking of Rob

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