For as long as I can remember I have loved to read...I can remember getting so excited about the bookmobile coming to school, and taking trips to the library used to be one of my favorite things when I was a kid. I still love walking into the library and being greeted by the smells and possibilities of all those great books!
Anyway, I know from chatting on Twitter many of you love to read as well, plus isn't that how we all fell in love with Twilight? Anyway, I have a great giveaway to announce! No, this isn't really Twilight related...well, except that I saw the trailer for this movie before the midnight showing of New Moon so that counts right?! I didn't think you would care because who doesn't like FREE STUFF?!

Entering is easy, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favorite way to sit down with a good book. [Be sure to include your name & email address]
Me? I love curling up on the couch with a great book, a fluffy blanket & a great cup of coffee!
Now tell me yours! Good Luck!
The winner will be chosen by using & will be announced on 2/2/10.
My favorite way to read a book is snuggled up in bed with a hot chocolate and chocolate digestives :D
Lauren Rooney :)
My favorite way to read any book, would be on my couch, wrapped in a warm blanket, a fire in the wood stove, nice cup of coffee and knowing that my boyfriend is at work and wont be home for several hours, so I have the silence all to myself.
Heidi Berenkuil
I LOVE to read while taking a bath. It's the most relaxing and quiet place in my house :)
I like to slip on my Nightmare Before Christmas snuggie,climb into my oversized circle chair in my dark blue room with glowing stars.Burn some Twilight Woods oil and submerse myself in the book.It's like I'm reading outside under the stars!
Lindsey James
I love to read wherever I can get away from the kids! Usually propped up in bed.
Cheryl Chere
I would LOVE to lay in a hammock with some great drink and read but that's a dream. I normally read here and there when I can mostly while I'm sitting on the pool deck while kiddos are in swim.
My favorite way to read... two ways. At the very end of the night, when kids are asleep and I'm in my bed.
Second.. on Saturday morning, after I've taken care of the dogs and cleaned up. Then I plop down with a big mug of coffee, house cleaned, dogs asleep, kids entertaining themselves, husband surfing, and mommy all alone! My Ultimate!
I love to curl up in bed, after I have put all of my kids to bed. I make sure that everything that I need is within reach, and then I venture off into what-ever land, that I am currently reading about.
I love to read at night after the kids have gone to bed so that I can actually read in peace without being interupted every 5 seconds. I am usually on my big green fluffy couch, I love that thing. It is my favorite place to be.
My fav way to read a book is on my porch swing with a cup of iced coffee. (I live in AZ...hehehe)
i love a quiet house, bright sun shining in through a window, a warm cup of coffe or hot chocolate and big fluggy covers.
Hi! The only time for me to read a book is when I'm somewhere camping. On a hill preferably overlooking a lake with luscious trees surrounding it on a nice sunny day with my hat on seated on a blanket with a picnic bag and cool drinks in a corner. So when I want to have a break from reading I could simply enjoy looking out around the beautiful landscape around me. It makes me appreciate how beautiful life is.
The best way to read The Twilight Saga, is definitley to play the movie score soundtracks in the background whilst you're reading. It definitley sets the mood and makes me feel all "Twilighty" =P
My favourite way to sit down and read a book is curled up on my bed or my chair in my bedroom with a cup of coffee.
Sitting on the decking in the garden on the swing reading something. Usually one of the Twilight books or a classic like Austen or Homer.
Victoria Griffin
I love curling up in my bed with the pillows stacked up and my covers all snug with milk or hot chocolate and escaping into a tale. Its a great way to end the day or relaxe on a lazy afternoon. I saw The Lovely Bones and I bet the book is even more amazing.
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