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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Edward & Bella Wedding Pic & Stoli Shirt :)

I found this AWESOME manip over at ROBsessed along with some more information on the infamous Stoli Shirt:

Fricken Awesome...Wedding Pics and Stoli Shirts all in one post...only I would do that! TEEHEE

But seriously, go to ROBsessed and check out her post on the Stoli Shirt, it's just another reason I heart Rob!


Snarkier Than You said...

Loooooove the Stoli shirt! It's all I want for my birthday. And Christmas. OK, preferably with Rob still int it (a girl can dream, right?).

: )

My Twilife said...

Yes we can dream! I have a similar dream, one in which he asks me to wear his stoli shirt with nothing under it, then lets me keep it so I can sleep with it and smell his studly ciggy goodness all dream hubsters nightmare!

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