Interview Magazine has an interview with 25 year old Noot Seear who plays Volturi Vamp Heidi in New Moon:
DARRELL HARTMAN: So, what did you have to do to look the part?
NOOT SEEAR: I didn't tan for two months. It was awful, and totally unnecessary because they painted me white anyway. And I had these crazy contacts that I couldn't see through. It was like skiing in a total snowstorm. I could see about two feet in front of me.
DH: What about the wardrobe?
NS: It was this red, flowy dress with high gloves and big old heels.
DH: A dress? It's a miniskirt in the book.
NS: I know! I didn't get to show much leg.
DH: Heidi's scene, in the book at least, is short but awesome. Tell me about filming it.
NS: The sets were breathtaking. Huge, like palace-sized. I think the scariest part for me, out of the whole day, was that they had given me lines to practice, and when I showed up they gave me completely different lines. I freaked out. Dan [Cudmore] was like, "Calm down, it's okay." They're so protective over the script. But it was really cool because the day I shot everyone was there: Dakota, Rob, Kristen. I got to meet everyone and they were so nice to me. I was scared they were going to not be nice.
Read the whole interview here. She talks more about herself and how she got the name Noot! (I always wondered that!)
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