I don't want to give up my blog...I love my blog and Rob and Twilight and all my bloggy friends and you...yeah I got a lot of luv to throw around.

Ok, on to the point: Here is my idea:

What if I didn't try to be like my idol TwiCrackAddict and kill myself (and possibly my marriage from lack of Hubster time) by posting every little Twilight tid bit I can endlessly look for??! What if I posted whatever the hell I wanted and didn't post whatever the hell I didn't want to? What if I did a recap on things I decide are important, noteworthy, too damn hot or hilarious to pass up?
Would you still visit me? Would you hate me and never come to my blog again? I want to know! And of course I would love to hear what you want me to blog about, like if I totally miss something you want to see/hear about, let me know!

So, like I said just kickin' ideas around and want to know what you think! Leave a comment or email me at mytwilife@gmail.com!
I would. i follow you on twitter, along with other Twilight related blogs. What do you mean whatever you wanted.....are they still going to be related to Twilight or are you talking random stuff you want to talk about?
@ Anonymous No everything would still be all Twilight related...I might just start cutting out all the paparazzi crap...that will save a lot of time! Thanks for your input!
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