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Monday, August 17, 2009

Kellan Lutz & Michael Welch to Attend Armageddon Expo

Looks like Kellan Lutz will join Michael Welch as a guest at the Armageddon Expo in October:

One of the worst most recognised vampires of the modern era is set to make the trip to Australia with Twilight star Kellan Lutz confirming he will appear at the third annual Armageddon Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on October 17-18, 2009.

Lutz is the second Twilight star confirmed to attend the Armageddon Expo after event organisers last month announced that Michael Welch, who plays Mike Newton in the box office smash hit will be at the event.

Bill Geradts from the Armageddon Expo said it was a huge coup to have Lutz at the event with his appearance verifying the expo's position as Australia’s premier science fiction convention.

“Kellan [Lutz] is extremely popular and a major draw card for this year’s event,” Geradts said, “He rose to fame playing Emmett Cullen in Twilight and has appeared in a number of American programs throughout his career.”

“It is a huge achievement for the Armageddon Expo to confirm Lutz in our lineup of stars attending this year’s event which is shaping up to be the biggest yet.”

Read the rest here.

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