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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

SERIOUS Twigasm Warning!!

Have I told you about my love for vintage...thin...obviously worn in T-shirts?...No?! Well I LOVE THEM, they are so HAWT...And seeing Rob in this one...*shudders* I am having a Twigasm right now! Just thought you should know...

But, that's not it! So, hold on to your underpants ladies...US Weekly has even more Unbelievably Sexy pics to make us all go into cardiac arrest this afternoon:

Holy Shizz Rob, give me a minute...I need a break after that one!

Ok much better! Proceed with the sexiness...

WOW...THAT.WAS.AMAZING! please excuse me while I go pull myself together...*blushes*

1 comment:

Limey_1996 said...

Good god all bloody mighty!! Hope this is the last of the outtakes my poor heart can't take anymore. I'm numb from the tongue down.

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