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Monday, July 13, 2009

Stuck in Twilight Tuesdays

OME...I don't know how many times my husband has asked me "Is your nose always stuck in those books?" or "Aren't you sick of that Blog yet?" or "How many times can you watch that movie?"

Well hubby, my answers are: "Yes...I mean I need to get my romance fix somewhere," "Hale No!" and "Many, many more times, so you better just get used to it." (Respectively)

What about you? Have you heard this from your significant other? Is your nose always stuck in Twilight? We all know mine is!! Whether it be the books, the Internet, my blog, the nose is always stuck in Twilight!!!

So celebrate your obsession every Tuesday with Stuck in Twilight Tuesdays by sending me a pick of your nose stuck in Twilight! I will be posting them weekly!

Email pics to or Send me a Twit Pic via Twitter

I heart being Stuck in Twilight!

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