You don't know what I am talking about? Well let me shine some light: At my request she made me these two beautiful pieces of lust worthy art:
I wanted Abercrombie Rob...and this is My Abercrombie Rob with his hand on MY arse! Thanks for the lustful dreams RobsButtonsBabe!

Then I got greedy and sent her a wish for Athletic Rob Twins, because who doesn't want 2 Rob's?! Seriously...can you imagine?! *faints*
So anyway, I thought you know what? I want to do a similar weekly feature on the blog, and We Wish Wednesday was born! So now, every Wednesday I will feature a few pics of the Twilight Hotties with a little twist. But, I need your help!!
Here is what I had in mind for We Wish Wednesday:

Every picture must start with "Hey Love," then whatever you wish your favorite Twilight man would saying to you...
So what are you waiting for?! Send me those wishes! I know you have one...or two...
Send me your Wishes via Twitter or email them to me @!
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