What’s been your favorite scene to film so far?
Um…I’d either say, some cool action scene I got to do, because I really do like the action, or I really like the break up scene. We call it “the break up scene” – it’s the first time Bella sees Jacob after he’s transformed. When she comes to his house, and she sees for the first time that his hair’s cut, he’s different, what’s up…? And he tells her, “We shouldn’t be friends.” It’s a really emotional scene.
Considering how moody Jacob gets in "New Moon" – toying with Bella’s emotions – do you feel bad at all?
I don’t feel bad one bit; I feel bad for myself! [Laughs] No, when I was reading the books, I felt so bad for Jacob’s character. But now that I’m actually living him, I feel way worse. Bella’s toying with Jacob! I don’t care if she’s ripped between the two guys, I feel so bad for Jacob, because she confused him; one moment, she’ll want to kiss him, and the next moment, she’s ditching him for Edward. I mean, yeah, I understand where Bella’s coming from, and it’s a crappy situation for all of them. But I feel really bad for Jacob.
A lot of fans are looking forward to the scene in Eclipse where Jacob and Bella finally have the kiss.
Yes. So am I.
Well he might be...but I am certainly not...TEAM EDWARD! Okay now that I got that out of my system I will admit a part of me (a very tiny part) did feel bad for Jacob (for a tiny amount of time) I mean my overwhelming lust for Edward trampled those fellings pretty darn quick!
Read the whole thing here.
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